Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am committed to my journey of health and well-being. I got busy today and didn't get my workout in this morning. NormallyI would have gone to bed, said I'd do it tomorrow and it wouldn't happen. It is 10 pm and I just got done with my workout. I feel strong. I can do this. I AM doing this. Yay me!

BTW...I haven't had a soda for 11 days and have not had a cigarette for 30!


Mindy said...

HOLY COW! CONGRATS! Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. You are amazing doing that and this challenge at the same time. Keep pushing through. I haven't had a smoke for about 3 years now and it's awesome! I have gone about 20 days with no soda... WE ROCK!

Vicki said...

That is so great! You ARE strong.

Karilynn said...

Seriously Brittany CONGRATS on quitting smoking. If you can do that, you already know how strong and capable you are! And 11 days without soda... GO YOU! :o)

Christen Farmer said...

Awesome on the smoking and sodas.. i've never smoked but i;ve seen friends struggle wtih it and i know what a hard time they've had. that's great!!!

Sarah said...

Congrats! You are doing a fantastic job. If you can stop something that is so addicting and detrimental then you can do this! Way to work out after a long day. Go YOU!! Keep up the good work and optimism.