Monday, August 31, 2009

So the contest starts tomorrow officially. I sufficiently ate enough for a family of four today so tomorrow I should feel good and hungry,;)
The weight thing is freaking me out. This is a perfect time to begin. I picked up the awful habit of smoking after my divorce and didn't completely quit until the day before my birthday on the 14th. So since quitting only a bit over two weeks ago I have gained over 12 lbs. That has been really hard for me but it's not worth the killing my body with nicotine so I can spike my metabolism a few points.
I am heading to bed with a firm commitment to do what it takes. It's my time.


Karilynn said...

YES!! Congrats on the quitting smoking. I love the final sentance of this post! IT IS YOUR TIME!! GO BRITTANY!!

Kirsten said...

Awesome!!! Congrats on no longer being a butthead! Yay for your commitment to healthy living. :)

Vicki said...

You can do it! If you can quit smoking -- you can definitely gain control in the other areas :) Good luck!